
Track down a traitor to the British state

'What Power Shall Wash the Rhine?' is a detective game inspired by the works of John Le Carre. Connect remotely to the British Consulate in Bonn to track down the identity of whoever has stolen important documents. Navigate through the consulates early computer system, full of documents, maps and tables, to figure out who had the means, motive and opportunity to make the heist.

'What Power Shall Wash the Rhine?' is a showcase game for its custom controller. Made from a rotary phone, the numbers dialled into the computer act as keystrokes, allowing the player to interact with a computer in a similar way to the accoustic couplers used in early computing. This, combined with the game display being a CRT monitor make the game an interesting immersive experience. Information is relayed slowly and deliberately, and players must concentrate if they wish to track down the thief.

The game is in a complete playable state, but aesthetic improvements, to the game and playing area itself, are planned.



    Richard Sherriff
    Associate Lecturer of Games Design, University of the Arts London